Academic Program

All MHS students take four years of English, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science, as well as three years of Foreign Language -- either Spanish or Mandarin. There are two to three hours of homework each night.

Lower House Courses

There is a strong emphasis at MHS on reading and writing in all classes with an approach to literacy that begins in 9th and 10th grade. Students read classic books such as Frankenstein, 1984, Othello, and The Odyssey with the goal of understanding complicated narratives and learning how to write traditional literary analysis papers. Classes also include units on poetry, the persuasive essay, editorial, and oral history.

The 9th and 10th grade core curriculum establishes a foundation of critical thinking skills and features key content infused into all classes. The core 9/10 academic sequence includes English, Biology, Chemistry, Global History, Math, Foreign Language, as well as Physical Education, Health Education, and Art. Students are prepared for Regents exams, the school's Exhibition process, and for the greater interdisciplinary work of 11th and 12th grades.

Upper House Courses

In 11th and 12th grades students choose thematic elective and/or Advanced Placement courses that prepare them for the English Language Arts and the U.S. History & Government Regents exams. Math and Science courses include Algebra 2, Precalculus, AP Calculus BC, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, Physics, Advanced Physics, Environmental Science, and Engineering Design. Students may enroll in college classes via the College Now program at Baruch and BMCC, and also at NYU and Pace for simultaneous high school and college credit. There are also elective courses such as AP World History, Psychology, Photography, AP Studio Art, Mixed Media, and Graphic Design.

Millennium High School allows Upper House students to choose some of their classes while fulfilling all graduation requirements. As a rising junior or senior, you will use these guidelines to request your academic program for the upcoming school year. 

SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS All students are required to complete eight (8) credits in each of the following disciplines: Science, Math, English, and History. That means taking, and passing, a class in each of those areas every semester of your high school career. Students must also complete three (3) years of language study, complete four (4) additional credits of electives, and earn four (4) credits for Advisory. In addition, there are some specific graduation requirements that are detailed below.

SCIENCE: You MUST complete at least one course in physics - either Physics or Physics Elective - before you graduate. If you plan to take Advanced Physics as a senior, you MUST take a Physics or Physics Elective class as a junior.

MATH: You MUST complete Algebra 2 (or an equivalent math course) before you graduate.

HISTORY: You MUST complete a year of U.S. History as well as Economics AND Government before you graduate. Juniors MUST take U.S. History or AP U.S. History (if accepted).

ELECTIVES: Juniors are required to complete their language study by taking Spanish 3, Spanish 4, or Mandarin 3 as one of their electives. Seniors who have completed three years of language, and who have satisfied all other academic requirements, may have a free period. Electives may only be used to make up for missing credits during senior year.


 2024-25 Junior Bands      2024-25 Senior Bands 

Advanced Placement Courses

Advanced Placement (AP) classes are administered by the College Board using approved curricula that are equivalent to undergraduate college courses. These classes move through material with greater speed and depth than high school classes. In May, participating students sit for the related AP exam from the College Board. Rising juniors can apply to up to two (2) AP classes which are in the same band of courses. Rising seniors can apply to up to three (3) AP classes which are in the same band of courses as long as one of those courses is AP Calculus BC or AP Statistics. Applicants will be offered seats based on their current course grade and current year GPA. AP acceptances are binding. If accepted, extenuating circumstances to opt out need to be presented for Principal approval prior to the start of the school year. Consult the Advanced Placement Course Descriptions for more information.